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Public Deliverables

D1.1 Structured data set of HEIs and other institutions/organizations and offered space-relevant curricula/courses

D1.2 European Space Sector Skills Taxonomy

D1.3 EU Space Sector Demographics Database

D2.1 Overview of the trends and challenges for the European space industry

D2.2 Applications, services and supporting technologies

D2.3 Space Sector Soft Skills Report

D2.4 Profiles of success stories on EO and GNSS

D2.5 European boot camp to bring European students/entrepreneurs together and be trained in transferable training skills

D2.6 MOOC on soft skills and new way of working

D2.7 Environmental, Social and Governance Report in the Space Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Trends, Challenges and                    Opportunities

D2.8 Workforce demand evolution and distribution

D3.1 Analysis report of skills demand and capabilities across sector

D3.2 Analysis report of geographical gaps & student mobility characteristics

D3.3 Analysis report of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Issues

D3.4 Mentoring virtual programme established across Europe focusing on addressing EDI issues

D3.5 Final Recommendations report on continuing success of the European Space Sector

D4.1 Student and EU-University outreach report

D4.2 Training catalogue collecting all training materials developed in the project

D4.3 Communication and Dissemination Strategy

D4.4 Project website and social media presence

D4.5 Communication and Dissemination activities report

D5.1 Project Handbook

D5.2 External Advisory Board Terms of Reference

D5.3 Data Management Plan

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