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The advancement of the EU space sector is highly dependent on the availability of high educational standards, skilled professionals, and the ability for these professionals to upgrade and update their skills.


The ASTRAIOS project will foster innovation, increase EU competitiveness in the space sector and improve the dynamics of the space entrepreneurships ecosystems.


To achieve this, the ASTRAIOS team will provide an exhaustive view and understanding of the current and future Space curricula and courses offered in the EU-27. The project will also describe the need from the European Space industry in the next 10-15 years and identify actionable ways towards a better alignment between the offered educational programmes and the skills required by the future European space industry.


Specifically, the main objectives of ASTRAIOS are to:

Our Plan

Status-quo Analysis
Trends & Challenges
Gap Analysis & Recommendations

Map, assess and analyze the currrent space curricula and courses offered in the EU-27, including demographics, stock & flows, success rate and career opportunities, leading to the creation of a benchmark for space education in Europe. 

Locate the main trends and challenges in space programmes and technologies, to pave the way towards an optimal match between skills offer and workforce demands in the space sector. 

Identify main gaps  in terms of skills and re-skilling needs, geographical gaps and student mobility, diversity, inclusion and equality, leading to improved decision making at institutional level.

Pinpoint keyways forward, towards the harmonisation of the European space sector’s curricula, qualifications and skills required to create a pool of highly skilled professionals that will positively impact Europe’s growth potential and capabilities in space. 

Expected results & impacts


A structured online database for searching and retrieval of the offered space education.

Europe-wide competencies and skills taxonomy for the space sector.

Concrete recommendations for the harmonization of space curricula in the EU.

New educational material for Copernicus and Galileo.

Initiatives and new outreach material to promote space related studies and careers.

One-stop portal/training catalogue containing all courses developed in the project.

Societal Impacts


Greater public awareness of the European capabilities in space, leading to improved decision making at institutional level.


Economic/Technological Impacts


Positively impact Europe’s growth potential by helping train a skilled labor force, positioned at the technological frontier.

Socio-Economic Impacts


A structured overview of the skills needed in the European space sector will be provided as well as a toolbox for stakeholders to match the skill needs of the Industry.




A Europe-wide taxonomy of competencies and skills for the upstream, midstream and downstream, building on existing work.

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Funded by the European Union, under Grant Agreement No. 101082636. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

© ASTRAIOS partners 2023.

Designed and maintained by EASN-TIS

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